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Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation
Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

Thu, 02 Feb


Croydon Buddhist Centre

Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation

Thursdays from 2nd February for six weeks 12:30 - 2pm. Come along and experience and introduction to meditation and a Buddhist context of wisdom and compassion. Suitable for all.

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Time & Location

02 Feb 2023, 12:30 GMT – 09 Mar 2023, 14:00 GMT

Croydon Buddhist Centre, 98 High St, Croydon CR0 1ND, UK


Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation - Six-week course  Thursdays, 2nd Feb to 9th Mar, 12:30pm to 2.00pm With Viryadeva and Zoe All welcome - in-person at the Buddhist Centre If you are curious about Buddhism and meditation and want an accessible and practical introduction, then this course is for you. We'll guide you in two Buddhist meditation practices, teaching them in the context of the Buddhist vision of human potential for wisdom and compassion. A chance to think afresh about your life, and learn some practical methods for unlocking creativity and freedom.

Suitable for complete newcomers, those who want a refresher, or those who have learnt mindfulness meditation and want to explore more deeply. Booking essential.

Dana Ecomony. All our classes offering Buddhist teaching are by donation, because we believe that the Buddha's teachings should be freely given. We recommend a donation of £60 / £40 for this course, but we welcome you however much you can afford to give.


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